Personal art project


Warning: Videos contain fast-flashing images.

Solid is a personal project exploring the contrast between natural fractal stone forms and minimalist human-made environments. Lit by bright lights, the peculiar shapes of the stones are accentuated, and in each work, shadows that are integral to the perceived form of the object.

The enduring objects undergo a series of transformations as neon rays pass over them, transitioning to a new state—not quite solid and static, but dynamic and livid. This metamorphic dance, choreographed by light, introduces an element of fluidity to the otherwise immutable.

Within select pieces, the narrative of this symbiotic relationship between the organic and inorganic deepens. The once solid form transcends its innate nature, embarking on a journey of growth and blossoming. Delicate lichen-like shapes delicately sprawl across the surface, fostering a visual dialogue that blurs the lines between the natural and the man-made.